Illustration Friday – Roots

This few weeks I was doing this piece. I really have fun with this, so I decided to show to our audience even though it is not finished. But I think it is a good start for me to try something different in execution skills. Since nowaday there are a lot of work done in digitally. I think it is good to learn it. Don't get me wrong, I still do painting and drawing. Just try to experiment more...


Bee said…
Love this, with its fluid lines. Think it is great as it is and would like to see more in this style, particularly the gentle use of colour.
sketched out said…
Wow, this is really dynamic, yet very lyrical. I agree with Bee, I like the gentle use of color as well. It's always great to step out of your usual style and try new things! Good for you.
studio lolo said…
I love the perspective of this piece...very dynamic and organic! Great color scheme and nice softness to the whole piece. Bravo!

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