Today I saw few show that I highly recommend any of you are around San Jose area. One of the show is called Victims. The artist is the legendary, iconic illustrator and graphic artist – Barron Storey. I knew Barron since I was in San Jose State University. Barron is my favorite teacher in school. His works are very inspirational, dark and dramatic. His show is now and til March 15.

I was trying to get one of his pieces in the show but I cannot afford it. I still remember I got one of his piece from the show of "Black Iraq". I hung that piece at my house and study his style... very cool. Definitely, go check this out his show in http://www.galleryad.com. I found Barron's work inspirational and innovative. His works always motivate me to try things in different way. I remember when I was in his class, he showed me 5 ways to paint in acrylics and he even did a mini demonstration of painting in my journal. If you want to know more about this great artist work, please visit his web site at http://www.geocities.com/negsleep/main/links/barron/barron.html or www.barronstorey.com.
Besides, I also went to the shows in San Jose Museum of Art. SJMA is showing beautiful etchings from Picasso "Etching of Love and Desire"and Goya "Caprichos" ~ Dreams of Reasons and Madness. Those artists have totally different styles. I love those shows there because I like etching that gives me inspiration on my drawing and sketching. please check the web site at http://www.sjmusart.org for the details on the show. The first time I saw etching was from Barron's class that he showed the students the metal plate (original) which is very amazing that Barron did a very detailed etching on the plate. HE IS THE MAN...