Illustration Friday - Horizon


Horizon - my concept is connecting my ongoing series of 'humanature' . I created a abundant growth of the tree which grows from sea/river/water to the horizon. Originally, the tree is upside down like a 'pok choy' and I kept working on it until my wife saw it. She said she liked it to be upside down. Then I turned it to the other way and found out that it should be in this way and I kept building up and adding ingredients to it. I even sticked stamps but they were too much going on and I decided to take them out but you can still see there are marks on the tree. By the way, I like the reflection of the trees which originally I painted as if there was a sky and tree roots from underground to the horizon. Sorry for the confusion - it turns out nice I guess. I did those vertical lines to enhance/exaggerate the ambiguous form of the tree. I use a human face as a metaphor of human and nature relationship which human is only a small portion of the nature.

Hope you like it and give me some comments. Thanks again for all the support of this year's art blogging which I gain so much that I cannot even imagine. Again, 'it is great to be an artist.'


Vhrsti said…
Amazing colors! Great work as always!
e said…
I love those colours, so acidic but so sympathetic, acid drop style colours.
studio lolo said…
Don't you just love where the journey takes us? Very nice!
Ellen Byrne said…
This is so very beautiful and meaningful - well done, Timothy!
Kathleen Rietz said…
Very nice, and I lie the thought process as you explained it. Thanks also for your comment on my blog. I will be sending out your ATC tiny tags soon.

Bobo said…
You have an extraordinary style. Like the way you use the colors.

P/S: Thanks for your comments on my blog.
cool work! i didn't have time to do my IF work, but it's good to see others great works. and so true about being an artist. :)
Natura said…
Very strong image! Like it very much.

Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting.
About your question. "No sabe, no opina" means: "He does not know, does not think" Otherwords: "He has no opion"

sketched out said…
Beautiful, expressive tree! Fascinating to read about your process. The process is where the heart is. Thanks for sharing.
Ester García said…
This is really beautiful!!

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