illustration friday - pet peeves

This journal page was made when I was very stressful by a very picky, annoying person who I have to work with her. She likes to pick up your mistakes and send it to you and cc whole punch of people even your boss to let the whole world know he did something wrong. But when I met her in the meeting, she act like a most sincere person in the universe. She has a multiple personality. I put this annoying and horrible experience on my sketchbook, then I juxtaposed some nice images Megan Fox, etc to balance / contrast the misfortune.


Timothy Hunt said…
Timothy, sad story, but very fine drawing. Thanks for sharing.
SLW said…
There was an article about workplace bullying in The New York Times today...this made me think of that. Nice idea for the topic.
Meagan said…
Wow, I always like your drawings but I love this sketch. Maybe I'm just partial to sketch style drawings.
Ellen said…
Hmmmm...I work with a few of those people. Nice way to release the tension. Excellent take on the topic!
Sally said…
It's too bad that some people are so difficult to work with. On the other hand, it is a great inspiration for art :) Nice work!
Wonderful that you can get your frustrations out in a creative way! Nice job!
Berrijuse said…
Great sketching! I love how the whole story comes through in your drawing.
Oh, and you asked me about Wacom - the line drawing is done with the Wacom pen in Photoshop so there's no need to scan anything in - that's what's so great about it. You should check out the wacom website if you're interested in learning more: - it's a great investment for any digital artist.
Curious Art said…
A heartfelt piece that really captures the frustration work relationships can cause. I know just what you mean about needing to draw something at times like that. It's great that you could channel all that ugliness into such a beautiful piece of work!
Wonderful illustration! As for your question...I love selling on Etsy. It is a lot of work and maintenance (you have to list everyday), but it is a lot of fun. The other sellers are great, too!
van dyke said…
I am sorry to read of your being victimized by the office bully. But don't let her get to you, fate has a way of getting even with people like her. About your illustration, I like your line work and your ability to make a good illustration out of an experience which was both disturbing and emotional. Good job.
Loni Edwards said…
Ah yes, I've worked with people like that in the past. I am a firm believer in kharma. You did a great job of turning a negative into a positive as this is a really nice illo. Great job! And thank you for commenting on my blog!
You've captured that very well. It's obvious that miss girl has some insecurities to work out of her own, and by pointing out other peoples faults it probably makes her feel more superior. I've dealt with so many personalities like that in the workplace. Just keep being the fabulous designer that you are and pay her no mind!

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