Illustration Friday – Discovery

Discovery the "Humanature" (the relationship between human being and nature) which is the theme of my art. I always observe the shapes and texture of the tree trunks which I make the connection to human forms. I'm really happy to come up with this concept and the visual effect. Hope the audience like this piece too.


maria mola said…
The Audience do like your work!
DianaDDunn said…
I love the sense of flow and peacefulness.
Eerie and fantastic! I love the textures and the line work!
dendoo said…
thanks for the comment on my site. i don't ever really think about my style i just do it so its nice to hear what other people think about the work i'm producing.

i love the flow of this piece. for some reason it made me feel as if i were reading one of the chronicles of narnia. love love love it.

trudette said…
Beautifully done.
Jess von I said…
Wow, I love how organic this feels! I love the trees they look so alive, most excellent :D
Tina Poe said…
Your trees are always fantastic, I like the point of view of this one.
Kathleen Rietz said…
Yes, love it! Very beautiful. Love the sinewy trees and your technique.
DaisyB said…
Wow, love your style! It's loose and very powerful at the same time! Great work.
Michelle said…
What lovely colors and nice movement to this piece. I like the muted colors as well.
Anonymous said…
wow - sometimes you just feel it's right, don't you? your illo really sings...with such beautifully flowing linework and colors!
studio lolo said…
Lovely, dreamy and magical!
Focus_ret said…
Absolutely beautiful. One is struck first by the lines, second by the composition. But the colors work wonderfully too.

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